Another dial makes everything vibrate and move according to sound, and other dials change the sound (also tied to colors). Turn one radial button up and the mountains become peaks, turn in down and its a 2d map, even down and the mountains are now canions.

Theres a map, a landscape seemly infinite (Probably loop, might be like a planet), but we don't see it like a specific 2d or 3d map.

Imagine a sonar or radio, where you have to fiddle with chanels and wavelengths to find what you're looking for- multiply those throught a range of soundvisual behaviours and you get Mu Cartographer. It feels like a puzzle game but its a navigation game (the only one i know of) - only thing is instead of a map, compass and the like we're exploring a alien landscape with equally alien tools Mu cartographer is a puzzle, like a puzzle box - but that wouldn't fit either Its not like single-puzzle games (where levels are the same puzzle only harder) nor like multi puzzle ones (that are random puzzles barely tied together). Its a experimental game only for us, because its all about experimenting with the game. Its like NOTHING i ever saw on gaming- and of all the avant gard/experimental indies ive seen (majority aiming at art or experience instead of 'game') this is probably the most suscessful in tieing things together.