Many advanced users found solace in Homebrew, shortened to just Brew, a free, open-source package management software that lets you install, update, and remove unneeded software. One way of simplifying an otherwise daunting task on your Mac is through the use of managing software packages. There are a lot of brave ones who’ve managed to explore deep beyond the facade of their Macs. But not all Mac owners are average users. I had to do this for subsequent Ventura updates as the dropdown above didn’t give any newer versions.For the average Mac user, simply knowing how to install and uninstall apps or software packages through the Mac’s graphical user interface is enough. Update: Thanks to Abdallah Abedraba for pointing out that you can also get the command line tools from. I clicked the dropdown menu, selected what you see there, and now Homebrew is happy. Where it now shows the Command Line Tools was previously empty. Not sure what else to do, and remembering that in the past I’ve downloaded the Command Line Tools from Xcode itself I started going through the settings page. Another command I have tried is: xcode-select -install but that tried to install and threw an error. How do I get the Command Line Tools though? In the past I’ve downloaded that from the same website, but I couldn’t find anything there. So far so good, this even quiets the first Homebrew warning. This downloads a large zip file from which I can extract Xcode-beta. Simply delete the existing Xcode and download the latest from Apple. Not a problem, I’ve been down this path before. It didn’t show any updates there, and if I try to open Xcode from the App Store it refuses to open and gives some error message about me having XCode 13.4.1 and I should get the latest version XCode 13.4.1 instead (clearly a bug in the messaging). I had Xcode 13.4.1 installed from the App Store. Xcrun : error : invalid active developer path ( / Library / Developer / CommandLineTools ), missing xcrun at : / Library / Developer / CommandLineTools / usr / bin / xcrun